Wednesday, November 5, 2008

science and time

Two points of information I'd like to share with you that came up during parent conferences today. One is to tell you something I told the kids. When you do a science project, you may improvise the materials as long as you say so. For the experiment with the telephone, just change the words on the sheet. The shakers already have choices available. If you build a camera, you can tell me when you bring it to school. Since there is no written work required, unless you build both cameras and compare them, you will need to bring it in to show me (and the class) and tell us how well it worked, or didn't. I don't expect you to go out and buy a lot of expensive stuff. Also, the vocabulary test will be on Tuesday. Somehow I managed to write somewhere that it would be on Monday, November 11, but since that animal doesn't exist, the test will be on Tuesday, November 11.
The sheet listing the points available should be in your child's homework folder, so that it is with him/her wherever s/he may be. I am also going to try to attempt to post it here.

Since some of the kids are now doing extra-curriculars, like basketball and cheerleading, those students will need to be better time managers. On nights when there is no practice, they should do extra homework to make up for the nights when they have less time. Some of the kids have already figured this out, and that is great. Don't wait until the last minute to work on science projects. You may still hand in two at a time, and only one on the last day.