Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 6, 2011

Science News

Most of the kids told me last week what they are planning to do for the science fair. Monday is the deadline for taking care of this. Yes, the fair is 8 weeks away, but it is important to plan ahead, especially if you are doing an experiment, and especially if you have plans to be gone for spring break and/or Easter break.
Remember, you can't just say, "I'm doing something with electricity." I want to know exactly what you plan to do with it. Are you doing a demonstration, which requires a report, or an experiment, which requires a display of your procedures and data? If you choose an experiment, you can ask me for one of the forms I showed you at the meeting.

Family Trees

I finished looking at these, and it is fun and interesting to learn where families come from and what stories they have to tell. Our family tree day will be in April, but before then, some of the forms need to be finished. If yours is one of them, it will be coming home in this week's Tuesday folder. It will tell you what you are missing. Two of the most common sections that people forgot are:
1. Middle names. I need middle names for everyone you can.
2. Country of origin. Yes, your family came from the United States, but what country did your ancestors come from?

If your family tree is not coming home this week, it is fine.

We have not had a blog word for awhile, so the one for this week is ancestor. Be sure that it is spelled correctly and in your assignment notebook on Friday.

Finally, we are scheduled to sing in church on Sunday, March 20 at 10:45. Please mark this on your calendars and plan to be there to sing for our loving Savior.