Wednesday, June 1, 2011

End of School

Wow, here it is the last day of school. Sure went by fast. The kids have been told this, but I am telling you parents also. Sometimes kids forget.

Recorders came home last week. Please keep them in a safe place so we can use them again next year.

Mr. Albrecht is planning to try something new next year which would involve NOT using crates. However, I recommend you hang onto them because they are used again in 6th and 7th grades. Also, Mr. Albrecht says he MIGHT change is mind if things don't work out as planned. Stayed tuned.

I also told the kids to hang onto their science binders from this year. I may or may not decide to use them for reading with them in 5th grade. If we don't use them, again they could hang onto them for 7th and 8th grade.

Some of the kids came home with money amounts written in their notebooks. These are bills that need to be paid before they can receive their report cards on Friday.

Speaking of report cards, open them carefully because there is a lot of extra stuff in there, such as Six Flags tickets for those who earned them, band info, a fifth grade note, and who knows what else we may decide to stick in there when we clean tomorrow. (Just kidding on that last one.)

So, have a great summer, and God bless all of you!