Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas and other info, November 23

This is also coming home today in your Tuesday folder.

The test for this unit will be next week Wed. Dec. 1. A study guide will be coming home on Monday.

We sing with grade 3 in church this Wednesday at 7:00. Please meet in the classroom at 6:40 to warm up with our pianist. We will be sitting upstairs in the balcony. If you want your child to join you after we sing, please let him/her know. Otherwise we will remain upstairs until the service ends.

The Christmas party in our room will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 21 in the afternoon. If you would like to bring something, you may sign up in the parent tray in the classroom, starting on Monday. Since we just finished talking about health in science, we encourage healthy treats, such as fruit, cheese and crackers, popcorn, veggies and dip, and juice instead of soda. You could also sign up to bring paper products, if you prefer. If you wish to send candy or other sweet treats, please have it wrapped so that it can be sent home later. Those who don't get to contribute for this party will have an opportunity to do so for Valentine's Day.

In connection with the party, the tradition has been to pick names and buy a gift for $5.00. In our classroom, we do something different.
1. We don't pick names. It seems that it is hard to keep it a secret anyway, so the girls bring a gift for a girl, and boys bring a gift for a boy. Then on party day, we pick numbers to see who gets what gift.
2. We only spend $1.00 on the gift. Since all of us seem to have more "stuff" than we need, we buy our gifts at the Dollar Store (you wouldn't believe the amazing gifts we have seen over the years, and it is fun to see what you can find!) and bring the other $4.00 to put in the almoner's box. That way we can have fun, and also help those who aren't as fortunate as we are. By the way, the $4.00 is just a suggestion. You can give as much as you feel moved to give, or less if your situation makes that a necessity. Oh, and shopping at the Dollar Store isn't a requirement either. Wherever you shop, you can find gifts for $1.00. And please do not feel moved to spend more than a dollar, because that can lead to hurt feelings in everyone who did not get the expensive gift.

December field trip
This is just a quick reminder that we are going to see A Christmas Carol at WLC on Dec. 13. Those of you who signed up are already paid. I will post more details after Thanksgiving.

Having a blessed holiday and safe travels, if you are going anywhere.

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