Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 15, 2010

Spelling this week is days of the week and months. The test will be on Friday instead of Thursday because the kids just got the list yesterday. Each child also has to learn the Spanish word for his/her birth month. This word is not capitalized. Other than the Spanish word, everyone is taking the same test.

There will be a science test tomorrow, but it will not be necessary to study for it. The kids will be able to use their binders during the test. We went through the binders today to be sure they had all the papers they need. This is a difficult unit, which is why we are doing it this way.

Book-it reports for this month need to be handed in by Tuesday, December 21. Some students have already handed them in, but I have not gotten their coupons to them yet. I will get these out next week.

I have just a few reminders about the Christmas party, which is December 21 in the afternoon.
We could use a few more treats and a beverage. So far we have puppy chow, fruit salad, and veggies and dip. Plates are also taken care of. Don't forget to have your child buy a gift for $1.00 and to bring $4.00 or so as a gift for almoner fund. If you want more details, check back to the November 23 blog.

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