Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 19

I hope you all have made your rain gauge by now. You should have caught some rain! Don't forget to empty it each day also, after you write down your measurement. We want a new number each day, not a cumulative number for the 10 days.

We sing in church on Sunday at the 8:15 service, but we sing at the end. We will meet in the classroom before church, at 8:00, to be sure that all of our ringers are here and to run through the song once or twice. We will be sitting in front of church as a class, so there will be no going to sit with parents this time as the younger grades have been doing.

Parents, don't forget to sign up for the museum trip. There's a list in the "Parent Tray." This field trip was NOT out on registration day. You may have seen ads for the Frog exhibit that is coming. You will get to see it for $4, plus the cost of the bus ($4.00?), so that is a really good deal, as you will see if you check the prices. We are going on Monday, October 25 with the third grade. You can sign up now, but I will be collecting money in October.

I would still encourage your child to bring a water bottle to help keep down the line for drinks. But since it is no longer so warm in the room, they will need to be kept in the hall instead of in the classroom. Some children like to play with them.

Finally, the blog word this week is sing. Write it down in your assignment notebook on the day that will be Thursday, which is when I will look for it and award you your sticker.

One of our science assignments this week will be to find examples in the Bible of God's power over weather. I will be showing the students how to get to a website called Bible Gateway that will help. Hopefully the link to this site is here.

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