Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 13

Three quick reminders for this week:

1. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Check back to a previous note for more information.

2. Thursday is the science fair question and answer night. Be sure to bring your child along, if you can. There is also more info on that in a previous note as well as in the daily anouncements.

3. This one may be new to you, but the kids have known for a few days. During the second quarter, there was a friendly competiton using pennies to see which class could collect the most for our mission offering, and the fourth graders won. The prize is a pizza party, which will be served during lunch on Tuesday. It includes pizza only, so you will need to either provide a beverage or have your child order milk. If your child does not want pizza, you can send a lunch or order hot lunch as always.

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