Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 30, 2011

Spelling this week will be contractions. There was no pretest today, and the list that comes home will have 20 contractions to learn. The test on Thursday will be sentences containing contractions.
One important part of spelling contractions is putting the apostrophe in exactly the correct spot. This would be a good thing to practice when writing the words at home.

There is no blog word this week because there is no school on Friday.

Report cards come home on Monday. There are lots of papers in those envelopes, in addition to the report cards: church attendance, science fair information, and consultation request forms. You should sign the form, even if you do not want a conference. If you do, sign up on the sheets in the lobby. You should also sign up for a conference if the teacher has requested one.

Take a look at the science fair information and start thinking about a project. Since grades 3-5 are doing the project on their own for the first time, the teachers of those grades are planning a science fair "how to" evening, along with time for questions and answers. The date for this has not yet been chosen, but it should be within the next few weeks. You can also talk to teachers individually if you have questions or concerns. The biggest issue is not to wait until the last minute.

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