Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2, 2011

After putting about 2500 miles on the car, my husband and I are now safely back from Texas. It was quick, but God kept us safe all the while. It will now take some time for me to get caught up on correcting, so please be patient.

Remember that family trees are due soon. I neglected to remind you about that over break, so I am giving you until the end of January to finish them.

Finally, a change is coming. Starting this week, Mr. Albrecht and I will be making a trade. He will be teaching fourth grade science, and I will be teaching his reading class. The students will probably notice a change in how things are done, but I am sure they will adapt quickly. If you have any questions, you can talk to me or Mr. Albrecht.

Wishing you all God's blessings in the new year. Mrs. Hackmann and I thank you for the lovely Christmas gifts, and for the gift of Scrip.

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