Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 16, 2011

Our Christmas collection for the almoner fund was $55.70. Thank you for your generosity in helping those less fortunate.

We just finished reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in class, and we have started watching the movie. I assumed that everyone would have seen it by now, but have since learned that some have not. While the book is excellent, there are a few parts in the movie that are a little scarier than the book, either because the director chose to show more of the fighting or because some things are a little more frightening when they are seen as opposed to being read about. The movie is rated PG, and my opinion is that in general it is well done. But if your child is more sensitive and comes home upset about something s/he saw, please let me know. Thank you.

Finally, Mrs. Hackmann has reminded the class about the importance of knowing math facts, specifically multiplication. They are being reviewed in class, and there are many activities around the room which the students can use in their free time to help review them. But the most important thing that needs to be done is review and practice at home. Beginning this Friday, those students who do not know their multiplication facts well enough to pass the timed tests will be losing some of their recess time to go to Mrs. Lippert's room to practice. If I were a fourth grader, I would much rather spend a few minutes each day practicing at home, or in the car, than to have to give up some recess. The choice is yours. And the blog word this week, which I will look for on Friday, is "multiplication facts."

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