Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 19

Yes, I realize that this is late this week, and yes, I realize that it has also been a long time. Since no one has been complaining or asking questions because they don't know what's going on, I figure all is well.

As your child has probably already told you, there is no spelling this week, or next week. We are taking some time off to practice penmanship, which seems to have deteriorated. But you and the kids need to know that the penmanship grade is not based solely on penmanship papers. It also includes everything they do every day. That means working hard on penmanship papers will help, but if daily work is sloppy, the grade will reflect that.

English reports were very good. They are coming home today. However, we are not done with them. The next step is an oral report, but I will hold off on that until after science fair projects are done. Just so you know what is coming, they will be required to give an oral report of the information they learned, and present it to the class IN THE COSTUME OF THE ANIMAL THEY CHOSE. However, this is not as tricky as it sounds. A costume can be as simple as putting on a tail, or wearing a mask, or making some flippers, or even just being dressed in all one color.
More information will be coming home soon, but this is so you can start thinking about it.

Look for our lunch journals in your Tuesday folder. Most of the kids are doing a great job of finishing their lunches. Now that they are bringing snacks, sometimes they are less hungry at lunch time. You might want to consider adjusting amounts if you see a lot being thrown away. These journals are being done for your benefit and also as part of research in connection with the PEP grant.

Family Tree Day is next Thursday, April 28.
Science Fair projects are due Monday, May 2.
Fourth graders and their parents are scheduled to sing in church on Mother's Day, May 8. We will begin learning the song this week so the kids can start teaching it to you.

Look for a Tuesday note in next week's folder with more information on all these upcoming events.

Sorry, kids, no blog word this week.

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