Saturday, April 2, 2011

Home stretch!

Monday is the beginning of the fourth quarter. It is a chance for a fresh start one more time. You get one more chance to do the very best you can in fourth grade.

It is also a time when some kids tend to lose ground. The weather gets nice, and other things seem to be more fun. But think of it in terms of baseball. You need to get to home plate if you want to score. If you stop now, at third base, you get no points. But if you keep pushing all the way to home, you score a run. That's what we need to do now--keep pushing for one more quarter, so that we can finish fourth grade with a home run!

Speaking of baseball, the blog word (phrase) for this week is "Keep your eye on the ball." Put it in your assignment notebook on the page for Friday. Remind me during lunch to check it.

One final note for this week. The date for family tree day is Thursday, April 28. I will get more information out to you soon, but if you want a sneak peak, you can check the blog for it from last year. I believe it is still up. You can also check out photos from the St. Jacobi photo section. Not only do you get to share information from your family tree, and bring heirlooms, if you have them, but we all get to dress as your grandparents might have dressed 100 years ago! Stay tuned for more information.

Hope you enjoyed your break.

Oh, yeah. And remember that science fair projects are due in 30 days!

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