Friday, May 6, 2011

May 6, 2011

Surprise, it's a Friday note!

The oral reports yesterday were amazing and fun to watch. The kids did a great job, and some of them even asked to do it again.

We sing this Sunday in the 10:45 service. If you have not yet been to a practice, please come to the classroom at 10:15 so that we can go through it a few times before Mrs. Bloomquist leaves to play for church. The kids, and those who have already practiced, should be here no later than 10:30 in the classroom. We reserve the entire balcony for fourth grade and their families. If you are an early church family, you are free to leave during the first hymn after we sing. It is our prayer that this helps to make your Mother's Day more special as we share our faith in Jesus and help the children to "Pass It On."

Your child needs to build a "car" for science. This vehicle is due Monday, May 16, and needs to be made out of "junk" you have around the house. No actual wheels will be allowed, no kits, no Legos, etc. The kids have the details. This car needs to be able to roll down an incline; it does not need to move on its own. If you have any questions, ask Mrs. Johnson or Mr. Albrecht.

Finally, there is now a sign up sheet for Old World Wisconsin. It is in the parent tray. It is
May 24, it is an all day field trip, and the cost for chaperones is $20, which you do not have to pay when you sign up. Because our class is small and we take a bus, we can take as many parents and/or grandparents as would like to come. Just be aware that this field trip involves a lot of walking, and much of it is outdoors on uneven paths.

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