Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday, May 11, 2011

Thank you to all the parents who helped us sing on Sunday. Everyone did a great job of using their talents to sing praises to our Lord.

Don't forget to build a "car" and bring it to school on Monday, May 16. Check the previous blog for details.

This week Thursday is track and field day for grades 6-8. Grades 4-5 will be using part of that day as an arbor day for the city of Greenfield. Since we have never been involved in this before, I do not have many details, other than they will be working outside for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Don't be surprised if they come home a little muddy. Mr. Hackmann is in charge of this event. Depending on how long this takes, we MIGHT have our spelling tests on Friday this week instead of Thursday.

We are reading a book in class called "Little House in Brookfield." One of the chapters tells about how the families back in 1840 washed their clothes. Your child needs to read this chapter with the adult in your house who does the most laundry. It should be a humbling experience for both of you, as well as educational. There is a sheet with a few questions to fill in. This needs to be done by Friday, May 13.

Finally, we should have a blog word, since we haven't had one for a while. The blog word is the name of the youngest child in the book we are reading. Joseph is the oldest. I will ask for this on Friday at lunch.

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