Sunday, October 31, 2010

November 1, 2010

Today we begin the second quarter. For the kids, it's like a clean slate, a chance to start over. If the first quarter did not go well, we get another chance. If it DID go well, perhaps it's time to dig in and challenge ourselves to work above and beyond what is expected.

There will be a spelling test this week Thursday, but there will be no spelling next week, just as there was none last week. You can plan on NOT having spelling whenever there is a 3-day week.

We begin a new science unit this week, all about the human body, health, and nutrition. Because a lot of this is also part of the PEP grant, even after we finish this unit, we will continue to be stressing healthy eating and exercise.

The Pizza Hut Book It program began October 1, but I did not get any information out to you, for which I apologize. Because it was my fault, I am sending home a coupon with each child in this week's Tuesday folder. I am going to count the reading they did for forensics as having earned their pizza. Earning a coupon for November will not be so easy. They need to read an actual book, on their own time, not in SSR. It can be of any genre, but they must show it to me first so that I can see that it is challenging enough. After they finish the book, they should ask me for a little form to fill out, and then they will receive their next coupon.

The blog word this week is not going to be written here. You must think of a word that kind of goes with Halloween, but will also be part of the human body unit, and was also part of the animal unit. It has 8 letters. You have until Friday to figure it out. Write it in your assignment notebook Friday's page.

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