Monday, October 4, 2010

October 5

This blog is also coming home in the Tuesday folder.

Those of you who wish to go on the museum trip on October 25 to see the Frogs exhibit and more need to pay $8.00 no later than THIS Friday, October 8. If you signed up and no longer wish to go, just let me know and don't pay the money. Whether you already signed up or not, if you DO wish to go, just let me know and pay the money by Friday. It's an all day field trip, leaving St. Jacobi about 8:30 a.m. and returning about 2:30 p.m. Talk to Mrs. Johnson if you have any other questions.

We began a new unit in science today, about animals. There is only one at-home activity, and it should be in today's homework folder. It involves walking around the yard or the neighborhood looking for animals, enough to fill the chart. Please do not use any pets. We will finish up this unit with a test on October 27. The at-home activity needs to be completed by Monday, October 18. I strongly recommend doing it this week if possible because the weather is predicted to be so beautiful. We will be doing some worksheets for this unit, mostly in class, and also studying some vocabulary words.

The kids seem to be excited about working in groups. We made new ones on Friday, and some of them already have names for their group! The class as a whole seems to work well together. We thank God for this blessing.

There is no blog word this week since this is also coming home as a note. Book orders are due on Friday. Check the previous blog if you are not sure what to do.

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